For Jazz Appreciation Month, the Reginald F. Lewis Museum is the place to be
/in Affiliate Guest Authors, General, Uncategorized, You Heard It Here First /by Elizabeth BugbeeSpecial thanks for this guest post to Dr. David Taft Terry, Executive Director, at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History & Culture, a Smithsonian Affiliate in Baltimore, Maryland. April is Jazz Appreciation Month, and the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History & Culture will celebrate this wonderful art form […]
2011 affiliations conference: let’s eat!
/in enewsletter feature, General, Uncategorized, You Heard It Here First /by Jennifer BrundageMore and more museums are exploring ways to use food and foodways as an extension of their missions, and as an additional pathway to community engagement. (Here’s an example, and what some Affiliates are doing.) Whether exploring historic and cultural traditions around food or promoting an agenda of sustainability, food is increasingly appearing in the repertoire […]
wheeling visitors in…
/1 Comment/in Behind the Scenes, General, Resources, Uncategorized /by Jennifer BrundageI have a confession to make. After 13 years in museum education, I have come to think of educational carts in the galleries as the Clydesdales of the field – the workhorses that are low-tech, straightforward, usually blue or made of sturdy metal. I fully embrace them as an effective “vehicle” to engage visitors in the galleries… […]
happy 10th anniversary College Park Aviation Museum!
/in General, Uncategorized, You Heard It Here First /by Jennifer BrundageCongratulations to the College Park Aviation Museum on their 10th anniversary as a Smithsonian Affiliate! Since their joining the Affiliations Program in March 2001, the Museum has been active in bringing important artifacts, speakers, and exhibitions from the National Museum of Air and Space to College Park, Maryland. The Museum sits on the grounds of the […]
National Youth Summit Flickr album
/in General, Uncategorized, You Heard It Here First /by Elizabeth BugbeeThanks again to our fab-five Affiliate partners who engaged their local communities during the National Youth Summit: 50th Anniversary of the Freedom Rides. Our recent blog post highlighted what happened before the event, but now you can get a look at what happened during it through our Smithsonian Affiliates Flicker group album! Want to add your […]
SITES in your neighborhood this spring
/in Exhibitions, General, Uncategorized, You Heard It Here First /by Elizabeth BugbeeSmithsonian Affiliates across the country are bringing Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) exhibitions to their communities this spring. Here’s what’s opening at an Affiliate in the coming months: March 19- May 29, 2011 Orange County Regional History Center(Orlando, Florida) The Working White House: Two Centuries of Traditions and Memories Two centuries of stories and traditions are […]
The Smithsonian – It Plays in Peoria!
/2 Comments/in Exhibitions, General, Road Reports, Uncategorized /by Elizabeth Bugbee“But, will it play in Peoria?” This time-honored question from vaudeville days still stands as the benchmark of quality and success. Whether politics or culture, the discriminating folks of this central Illinois riverfront city continue to have great sway over things that matter. Thanks to our Smithsonian Affiliate colleagues at Peoria’s Lakeview Museum of Arts and […]
announcing the 2011 affiliations conference keynote speaker
/in Conference Ideas, enewsletter feature, General, Uncategorized, You Heard It Here First /by Elizabeth BugbeeCLAUDINE K. BROWN NAMED KEYNOTE SPEAKER OF 2011 AFFILIATIONS NATIONAL CONFERENCE We are pleased to announce that Claudine K. Brown, the Smithsonian’s Assistant Secretary for Education and Access will provide the keynote speech on June 14 at the 2011 Smithsonian Affiliations National Conference, underscoring the centrality of education and the role of partnerships in advancing the […]
kudos affiliates! march 2011
/in Affiliates in the News, enewsletter feature, Uncategorized /by Elizabeth BugbeeAs winter thaws into spring (hopefully!), it’s great to see these accomplishments in Affiliateland. The Walmart Foundation has donated $38,838 to the Las Vegas Natural History Museum. The funds will be used to improve its live animal and marine life departments. The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation has awarded the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture $30,000 […]
where will the pavilion go next?
/in enewsletter feature, General, Resources, Uncategorized, You Heard It Here First /by Jennifer BrundageThe Smithsonian’s magnificent Ten Thousand Springs Pavilion will end its visit to Flushing Town Hall in New York City in September 2011. Would your Affiliate like to be the next stop on its tour through America? The Ten Thousand Springs Pavilion is a 1:5 scale replica of the Wan Chun Ting pavilion that stands in the […]
affiliates help smithsonian and MIT solve mysteries
/7 Comments/in Affiliates in the News, enewsletter feature, General, Uncategorized, You Heard It Here First /by Jennifer BrundageHelping the Smithsonian solve a mystery about a fictitious environmental disaster – doesn’t that sound like fun? Smithsonian scientists have teamed up with MIT’s Education Arcade to engage middle-school students to do just that, in an online alternate-reality game. Vanished will kick off on April 4 at In the course of 8 weeks, students ages […]
Wing Luke Museum and Kona Historical Society: 10 Years in Association with the Smithsonian
/in General, Uncategorized, You Heard It Here First /by Elizabeth Bugbee2011 is a big year for organizations–20 at the latest count–celebrating their 10th anniversary as Smithsonian Affiliates. To honor these Affiliates we’ll be blogging monthly about each one as they reach this milestone. Two unique Smithsonian Affiliates celebrated 10 years of collaborating with the Smithsonian in February- Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American […]
affiliates in the news
/in General, Uncategorized /by Elizabeth BugbeeCongratulations to these Smithsonian Affiliates making headlines this week! Dallas Museum of Nature and Science(Dallas, TX) Perot Museum of Nature & Science in Dallas Receives $25 Million Gift from The Rees-Jones Foundation. READ MORE National Museum of American Jewish History (Philadelphia, PA) American Jews’ Story Told in a New Home. READ MORE Northwest Museum of Arts […]
from airmail to email
/1 Comment/in enewsletter feature, Uncategorized, You Heard It Here First /by Laura HansenCentennial Celebration of the Wiseman Cook Flight with Smithsonian Curators Centennial celebrations don’t happen every day. When the Sonoma County Museum, an Affiliate in Santa Rosa, California, set out to host an event to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the first airmail flight, they turned to the Smithsonian curators who care for the event’s primary artifact, […]
An Affiliate journey through Smithsonian collections storage
/in Affiliate Guest Authors, Behind the Scenes, General, Resources, Uncategorized, You Heard It Here First /by Elizabeth BugbeeSpecial thanks for this guest post to Latasha M. Richards, collections manager at York County Culture & Heritage Museums, a Smithsonian Affiliate in Rock Hill, South Carolina. The idea to visit the Smithsonian came to mind while I worked on ways to improve and better utilize the current collections storage space at the York County Culture […]
it’s not too early to plan for jazz appreciation month!
/1 Comment/in enewsletter feature, General, Resources, Uncategorized, You Heard It Here First /by Laura HansenThis April is the 10th Anniversary of Jazz Appreciation Month (JAM!) As always, there are many ways to commemorate this unique American art form at your museum. Joann Stevens, program director for JAM Initiatives at the National Museum of American History (NMAH), shared information about the programs and resources available to help plan your Jazz Appreciation month […]