Partnering for success at the 2012 Affiliations National Conference

Smithsonian Resource Fair at the 2009 Affiliations National Conference.

The Smithsonian Affiliations National Conference is not only the best place to make an unexpected professional connection, but also an invaluable opportunity to raise awareness of the two-way street that exemplifies our partner network.  

During this year’s conference, Smithsonian and Affiliate staff will focus on:

  • Building and sustaining educational relationships with innovative programs that have a great impact on local communities and programs that use new technologies to inspire schools.
  • Exploring ways to increase funding through joint initiatives that reach across the Affiliate network.
  • Maximizing brand messages to connect your local story with the Smithsonian to bring your brand to life.
  • Understanding what to anticipate when embarking on a Smithsonian loan from the perspective of three Affiliate case studies.
  • Sharing results and strategizing next steps after a major study of the Affiliations program was concluded in 2011 during an Affiliations Town Hall. 

Each day will feature a new keynote speaker to inspire conference attendees during the course of the day’s activities.  The first keynote will tackle effecting fundamental change in our school systems by Sally Shuler, senior advisor to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Education and Access; director of the National Science Resources Center from 1985-2012. Evelyn Lieberman, director, Smithsonian Office of Communications and External Affairs, will share the development of the Smithsonian’s new branding strategy as a force for unifying and energizing the work of the staff, museums, research programs, stakeholders and partners.  

An EdLab workshop where teachers demonstrated the intersection of museum content and real people.

Educators from the Smithsonian EdLab at the National Postal Museum offer a special session during the conference to introduce Affiliates to their teacher workshops and challenge participants to connect collections to real world issues. Working collaboratively, participants will develop ideas, gather opinions from visitors, and create a digital presentation using new media tools to demonstrate the value of museum collections in education. At the end of the workshop, Affiliates will find out how to stay involved for the summer and the upcoming school year. Remember to bring your tablet or smart phone if you plan on attending this session! 

And with the spirit of Ignite® and Pecha Kucha models in mind, we’re offering Collaboration Blitz: Rapid-Fire Smithsonian and Affiliate Partnership Opportunities. Eight Affiliate and Smithsonian representatives will take the stage for 7 minutes and share a partnership opportunity at their organization meant to stimulate thought and action for further collaboration.  

All registered Affiliate attendees are invited to attend three receptions to further network during the conference–ease in to the conference at the National Museum of African Art for the Welcome Reception on June 12; meet with your Senator at the Congressional Reception at the Russell Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill on June 13; chat with Smithsonian staff at a special reception and tribute to I. Michael Heyman, 10th Secretary of the Smithsonian and founder of Smithsonian Affiliations, at the National Museum of American History on June 14.   

To register, book a hotel, view the agenda and more, visit 

The Smithsonian Affiliations National Conference is for current Affiliates only. If you are interested in becoming an Affiliate, please contact Elizabeth Bugbee for more information.