Recap: 2012 Affiliations National Conference
Thanks to everyone who was able to join us in Washington, D.C., June 12-14, 2012. At your request we’ve compiled all your post-conference resources below–from contact info to agenda, presentations to photos. In order to access the resources, please log in to the Affiliate-only section of our website.
Here’s what your fellow Affiliate colleagues said about this year’s conference:
“The conference was fantastic! I really enjoyed the various sessions and found the information presented to be very useful. I am looking to sharing the information with my staff and seeing how to integrate some on the new information into what we do. I heard a number of attendees say that the Affiliates Conference is by far one of the most beneficial conferences available in the museum field today. I have to definitely agree!”
– Angelica Docog, Executive Director, Institute of Texan Cultures in San Antonio, Texas.
“The experience was enriching at both levels, the professional as well as the personal. Key speakers were magnificent and the presenters were all very inspiring. It was also amazing to be able to visit the Natiponal Museum of African Art, meet its director, and attend three social events that allowed us to extend the affiliate´s possibilities for networking.”
– Doreen Colón-Camacho, Director of Education, Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
“Every conference has been an enjoyable experience, but this year had a new feeling of energy and excitement. We think that Secretary Wayne Clough has turned out to be an outstanding addition to the Smithsonian Institution. He seems to have genuinely embraced the power and vision of the Affiliations Program. He has discovered what all of you, and all of us have always known, that the Affiliations Program is the perfect method to deliver the Smithsonian to communities throughout America.”
– Kate Neumiller Schureman, Sr. V.P. of Programs, Lakeview Museum/Peoria Riverfront Museum in Lakeview, Illinois.
Who attended?
This year, 65 staff members representing 46 Affiliates attended the conference. Registrants came from 21 states and Puerto Rico. Looking to follow-up on an idea with a fellow attendee? Click here for a list of registrants and their contact information.
Where can I find copies of session presentations?
Presentations which we had permission to share can be found here and include any additional resources the speakers thought would be helpful. REMEMBER, you must log in to the Affiliate-only section of the website to access this material.
Who do I contact if I have more questions?
Are we missing something you’d like to see? Is there a Smithsonian contact you’d like to have? Contact Elizabeth Bugbee (202-633-5304, for more information.
Where can I view more of these fantastic photos?
View and download photos from the Conference from our 2012 Affiliations National Conference Flickr photostream.
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