Kudos Affiliates!! March 2023

Kudos to these Affiliates on their recent accomplishments! Do you have kudos to share? Please send potential entries to Aaron Glavas, GlavasC@si.edu.


Framingham State University (Framingham, MA), in partnership with Accelerate The Future, received $1.39 million from the Massachusetts Office of Health and Human Services to diversify and expand the state’s pipeline of behavioral health specialists. The funds will help place 300 employees at local community health organizations into the University’s master’s degree program in mental health counseling. An emphasis will be placed on recruiting and retaining Black, Indigenous and people of color, bilingual, and culturally responsive behavioral health employees. 

Mouser Electronics, Inc.is a major sponsor of Engineers Week through the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History (Fort Worth, Texas). Mouser has been a sponsor of this annual event designed to increase public awareness and appreciation of engineers and their work for over a decade. 

Dubuque Museum of Art (Dubuque, IA) received $25,000 from the Dubuque City Council as part of the American Rescue Plan ARPA funds. The funds will be used to support daily operations at the museum. 

Arab American National Museum (Dearborn, MI) received a $1 million grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. Staff will use the funds for strategic planning, digital content creation, marketing, and investment in tech-related personnel to expand their current digital presences. 


Kurt Dewhurst, director emeritus and curator of Folklife and Cultural Heritage for the Michigan State University Museum (East Lansing, MI) and Marsha MacDowell, curator of Folk Arts and Quilt Studies for the MSU Museum, each received the Lifetime Achievement Award, which recognizes long-term, exemplary efforts made during their time at Michigan State University. Dewhurst and MacDowell have explored, celebrated, and expanded diversity, equity and inclusion through their work as museum professionals, teachers, mentors, researchers, writers and administrators. 

1 reply
  1. Onur
    Onur says:

    It’s inspiring to read about the recent accomplishments of various affiliates! Congratulations to Framingham State University for securing funding to diversify and expand the state’s pipeline of behavioral health specialists. Kudos to Mouser Electronics for their continued support of Engineers Week through the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History.

    It’s great to see the Dubuque Museum of Art and Arab American National Museum receiving significant financial support to help with their operations and digital initiatives. Finally, heartfelt congratulations to Kurt Dewhurst and Marsha MacDowell from the Michigan State University Museum on their well-deserved Lifetime Achievement Awards.

    Keep up the fantastic work, everyone! Your efforts are making a meaningful difference in the world of culture, art, and education.


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