what’s an SA-Q?
Last year, the Smithsonian launched its first-ever advertising campaign, Seriously Amazing. As part of the effort, seriouslyamazing.org asked a number of fun “SI-Q” – questions designed to peak your interest in our collections, research and exhibitions.
Affiliations staff has decided to start asking our own intriguing questions – SA-Q – that seek to expose all the treasures embedded in the Affiliate network. Each month in our e-newsletter, you’ll see a new feature, posing a question that will expose all the ways that Affiliates contribute to the diffusion of knowledge. First to email a right answer wins a prize!
January’s SA-Q asked: It’s inauguration time! Which Affiliate has presidential-related exhibits or artifacts on view?
The winner was Janet Hedrick, Eastern Regional Development Manager at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center, who pointed to the Booth Western Art Museum, an Affiliate in Cartersville, Georgia, and their presidential exhibit. Do you know of other Affiliates with presidential-related exhibits or artifacts on view? Let us know! Comment here, or drop us a note at affiliates@si.edu.
February’s SA-Q will be related to Black History Month, so put on your thinking caps!