Tag Archive for: SITES

Coming Up in Affiliateland in June 2021

Enjoy these summer offerings!

Operation Moonglow: A Political History of Project Apollo book coverWASHINGTON
Dr. Teasel Muir-Harmony, curator at the National Air and Space Museum, will give a virtual lecture on her new book Operation Moonglow for the Museum of Flight, Seattle, 6.3. They also collaborated on a podcast, here. 

The USS Hornet- Sea, Air and Space Museum in Alameda will screen Smithsonian Channel’s Battle of Midway: The True Story virtually, 6.6.

Jon Grinspan headshot

National Museum of American History Curator Jon Grinspan

Affiliates across the country will co-host our latest Virtual Scholar Talk, What America’s Greatest Father-Daughter Political Dynasty Teaches Us About Fixing Democracy.  National Museum of American History curator Dr. Jon Grinspan will share this story from his book, The Age of Acrimony: How Americans Fought To Fix Their Democracy, 1865-1915, 6.17.

From Miami to Alameda, Indianapolis to San Antonio, Smithsonian Affiliates all over the country will disseminate thousands of copies of Inspiration Nation, a summer activity guide for K-8 students presented by the Smithsonian in collaboration with USA Today. Filled with stories from the Smithsonian, students can use the publication to step away from their screens and find inspiration everywhere around them.

Coming Up in Affiliateland in May 2021

Spring continues to bloom at Affiliates! 


Billie Holiday on stage at Sugar Hill

Billie Holiday on stage at Sugar Hill, Newark, New Jersey, April, 1957. All photographs © 2018 Jerry Dantzic/ Jerry Dantzic Archives. All rights reserved.

The American Jazz Museum will open the SITES’ exhibition Billie Holiday at Sugar Hill, in Kansas City, 5.8.

Dr. Teasel Muir-Harmony, curator at the National Air and Space Museum, will give a virtual lecture on her new book Operation Moonglow for Historic Annapolis, hosted in Annapolis, 5.4.

Dr. Muir-Harmony will also talk about Operation Moonglow for the audiences of the Yankee Air Museum, hosted from Belleville, 5.5.

As part of its Environments Examined series, the Rockwell Museum will host a virtual panel with scientists from the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and National Air and Space Museum, From High Tech Science to High Tech Art: Transforming Data into Action, hosted from Corning, 5.27.

Coming Up in Affiliateland in April 2021

Happy Earth Month everyone!

A museum visitor looks at a display of various people of color.

“The Bias Inside Us” features Spanish photographer Angélica Dass’ Humanae project, which reflects on the color of skin that challenges the concept of race. Photo by Science Museum of Minnesota.

The Bias Inside Us exhibition from the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service opens at the National Czech and Slovak Museum and Library in Cedar Rapids, 4.17.

Puerto Rican Affiliates, the Museo de Arte and Museo y Centro de Estudios Humanísticos, offer a workshop on The Conservation of Caribbean Culture: Training Future Conservators of Cultural Patrimony, 4.19-23.

Teen filmmakers in the McAuliffe Center’s STEM mentorship program will present their ideas for addressing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as part of Framingham State University’s Science on State Street Fair: Planet Earth Edition, 4.20.

The Springfield Museums will feature Dr. Joyce Bedi, historian at the Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation at the National Museum of American History, for a talk on Who Invented the Environment?, in Springfield, 4.22.

A scientist examines a skull.

Dr. Kari Bruwelheide measuring a cranium. Image Credit: Chip Clark, Smithsonian Institution.

Dr. Kari Bruwelheide, forensic anthropologist at the National Museum of Natural History, will lead a virtual workshop for teachers as part of the Rethinking Jamestown professional development activities organized by the Springfield Museum of Art, in Springfield, 4.21-22.

The Rockwell Museum will host a virtual dialogue with guest curator Emily Zilber and curator-in-charge Nora Atkinson about the Forces of Nature: Renwick Invitational 2020 exhibition at the Smithsonian’s Renwick Gallery as part of the Museum’s Environments Examined Spring 2021 lecture series, in Corning, 4.29.

Coming up in Affiliateland in December 2019

Happy holidays to all!

Framingham State University wraps up its 18-month series on the Moon Landing in Context with a day-long symposium entitled, Sustainable Space, Sustainable Earth: From Ideas to Action, featuring comments by Affiliations National Outreach Manager Jennifer Brundage in Framingham, 12.6.


The American Democracy: A Great Leap of Faith exhibition organized by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service opens at the Greensboro History Museum in Greensboro on 12.7.


The Cape Fear Museum will be screening several Smithsonian Channel films throughout December, including Mass Extinction: Life at the Brink; The Green Book: Guide to Freedom; David Attenborough’s Rise of Animals: Triumph of the Vertebrates; and Polar Bear Town: Quest for Cubs in Wilmington, check website for exact dates.


Coming up in Affiliateland in November 2019

We are thankful for our amazing Affiliates and all that you do!

The Museum of History and Industry will open SITES’ Beyond Bollywood: Indian Americans Shape the Nation exhibition in Seattle, 11.2.

Group of women in colorful saries,

The Museum of History and Industry will host ‘Sari Stories’ featuring personal stories and a draping demonstration.

National Museum of American History curator Frank Blazich is giving two talks at the Ohio History Connection for Veteran’s Day on Navy Pontoon Technology and on the Army’s Pigeon Service, in Columbus, 11.9.

The Moon Landing in Context series continues at Framingham State University with a talk by National Air and Space Museum curator Teasel Muir-Harmony on The Future of Space Exploration: The Policy Perspective, in Framingham, 11.14.

National Air and Space curator emerita Valerie Neal will moderate a discussion of three former and current astronauts in a program commemorating the Apollo program with Historic Annapolis and the U.S. Naval Academy, in Annapolis, 11.17.


Coming up in Affiliateland in October 2019

Wow! Fall is fully underway with great events happening nationwide.


The Morris Museum will publicly announce their affiliation with the Smithsonian, with remarks by Dr. Richard Kurin, Distinguished Scholar and Ambassador-at-Large in Morristown, 10.3.


The Irving Arts Center will present An Evening with Author/Archivist Grayson Dantzic, whose book on his late father’s work serves as the inspiration for the traveling exhibition Billie Holiday at Sugar Hill: Photographs by Jerry Dantzic (Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service) in Irving, 10.10. The Center will also host workshops on Teaching Ethnic Studies in Texas with the Smithsonian Center for Learning and Digital Access, 10.15-16 and 10.29-30.


Copy of the book A Fool's Errand with a picture of Smithsonian Secretary Lonnie Bunch, on creating the National Museum of African American History and CultureSmithsonian Secretary Dr. Lonnie Bunch will be discussing his new book A Fool’s Errand at the African American Museum in Philadelphia, 10.14.


Framingham State University continues its Moon Landing in Context project with a talk by National Air and Space Museum curator Dr. Martin Collins on The Future of Space Exploration: An Ethical Perspective, in Framingham, 10.16.


The Greensboro History Museum hosts a lecture by National Museum of American History conservator Dr. Sunae Park Evans on Conserving Democracy in Greensboro, 10/17.