Tag Archive for: new england museum association conference

affiliations staff on the road

Affiliations staff will be attending regional museum association conferences all over the country this fall.  Will we see you there?  Let us know!

*Save the date* – we’ll be hosting another Affiliate reception at the AAM Annual Meeting this year in Baltimore, May 2013.  Stay tuned for details!


Western Museums Association, Palm Springs, CA, October 21-24, 2012
Look for External Affairs Coordinator Elizabeth Bugbee .




Southeastern Museums Association, Williamsburg, VA, November 7-9, 2012
National Outreach Managers Alma Douglas, Aaron Glavas, and Caroline Mah will be in attendance, and leading a session on ‘Smithsonian as Partners in your Community’ on Wednesday, November 7. 



New England Museum Association, Burlington, VT, November 7-9, 2012
National Outreach Manager Jennifer Brundage  will be there leading sessions on ‘Theater and Dance: Tools for Community Engagement and Collaboration,’ on Wednesday, November 7; and ‘Executive Transitions – Learning from Each Other,’ on Thursday, November 8.

We look forward to seeing Affiliates this fall!

Staff on the Road @ fall museum conferences

As we look ahead to conference season, we wanted to share with our Affiliates the schedules of the conferences that Affiliations staff members will be attending.  We’d love for you to come out and visit with us, or share this information with other colleagues you’d like us to meet!

August 3-6, Tallahassee, Florida: National Outreach Manager Alma Douglas will attend the 2011 Association of African American Museums Annual Conference.  

September 20-23, Tampa, Florida: National Outreach Manager Alma Douglas will participate in a panel discussion at the 2011 Florida Association of Museums Annual Conference.  She and staff from three Florida Affiliates (The Patricia and Phillip Frost Art Museum, Florida International University , Tampa Bay History Center and South Florida Museum and Parker Manatee Aquarium) will discuss the “Benefits of Smithsonian Affiliation.”

October, 25-27, Greenville, South Carolina: External Affairs Manager Christina DiMeglio Lopez and National Outreach Manager Caroline Mah will host a session and exhibitor’s booth at the Southeastern Museums Conference.  Joining them will be staff from Smithsonian Affiliates in the Southeast.  

November 16-18, Harford, Connecticut: Assistant Secretary for Education and Access Claudine Brown will present as a keynote speaker at the New England Museum Association on the topic of, “Museums in the Mirror: Reflecting Relevance in a Diverse Society.”  Smithsonian Affiliations will sponsor a snack break on the first day of the conference hosted by National Outreach Manager, Jennifer Brundage. 

Hope to see you on the road!