Tag Archive for: food

Coming Up in Affiliateland in April 2017

Smithsonian activity is popping up across the country this spring!


Director of the Smithsonian Latino Center Eduardo Diaz will present the final talk in the Diversity in America lecture series at the Rockwell Museum in Corning, 4.6.

Susan Evans McClure, director of the Food program at the National Museum of American History, will talk about Food at the Nation’s History Museum to complement the Long Island Museum’s Edible Eden exhibition in Stony Brook, 4.23.


Rapper and writer Chee Malabar, native of Kerala, performs at the Queens Museum of Art, Flushing, New York. The photograph by Preston Merchant is part of the exhibition Beyond Bollywood.

Historian and horticulturalist Cindy Brown from Smithsonian Gardens will give a talk on the history of American gardens as part of the Festival of Flowers at the Springfield Museums in Springfield, 4.6.


Susan Evans McClure, director of the Food program at the National Museum of American History, will talk about Food at the Nation’s History Museum as part of the Rhode Island Historical Society’s Relishing Rhode Island initiative in Providence, 4.19.


Smithsonian Acting Provost Richard Kurin will present a talk at the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture in Spokane, 4.29.


The South Carolina State Museum will open SITES’ Beyond Bollywood: Indian Americans Shape the Nation exhibition in Columbia, 4.29.

coming up in Affiliateland in April 2016

Rex Ellis, associate director for curatorial affairs at the National Museum of African American History and Culture will deliver the keynote talk at the Shifting Narratives symposium, to be held at the African American Museum in Philadelphia in partnership with the National Park Service, 4.16.

Smithsonian staff from the National Zoo, National Portrait Gallery and more will speak as part of the People, Passion and Purpose event to be held at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, 4.19.

Smithsonian Acting Provost Richard Kurin will speak on the Hope Diamond: The Legendary History of a Cursed Gem at the Northwest Museum of Art and Culture in Spokane, 4.21.

Everyone Eats! South Dakota's Food Heritage history conference in Pierre in April.

Everyone Eats! South Dakota’s Food Heritage history conference in Pierre in April.

Jeff Post, curator at the National Museum of Natural History, will give a public talk on the Hope Diamond and other gems in the National Gem Collection at the Rhode Island Historical Society in Providence, 4.28.

Susan Evans McClure, Director of the American Food History Project at the National Museum of American History will deliver the keynote talk at the 2016 History conference sponsored by the South Dakota State History Museum in Pierre, 4.29.