2019 Smithsonian Affiliations National Conference
The Smithsonian Affiliations National Conference is for current Smithsonian Affiliates and Smithsonian staff members only. If you are interested in learning more about a Smithsonian Affiliation, please contact us. If you are interested in sponsor opportunities during the National Conference, please email affiliates@si.edu.
Join us June 23-26, 2019, in Washington D.C. Our theme this year is Leveraging Partnerships and Collaborating More Effectively.
Smithsonian Affiliations is changing the idea of what the National Conference can be by asking, “How can we collaborate more effectively? How do we leverage the power of our partnerships to shape a better future?” Attend the Conference and learn how partnerships, programming, digital resources, and hands-on explorations can bring our collective educational resources and tools to audiences, where they are to achieve greater reach, greater relevance, and have profound impact.
This year we are thinking about the following topic areas.
- Women’s History: How can we deepen our understanding of women’s contributions to America and the world through exhibitions, programs, and collections?
- Earth Optimism: How can we change our focus from problem to solution, from a sense of loss to one of hope, in the dialogue about conservation and sustainability?
- Digital First: How can we use digital tools and technologies to engage with our audiences in new ways?
- Leveraging the Smithsonian Partnership: How can we maximize branding, membership, and programming to yield high-impact and engaging activities with new and renewing audiences?
- Creating Communities of Engagement: How can we inspire new thinking? Where can we find common ground to spark new partnerships? How can we encourage new people to get involved?
- Other: We also encourage topics on organizational sustainability, effective communications, leadership, strategic planning, and other topics that may be of interest to Affiliate and Smithsonian colleagues.
Conference Registration
REGISTER HERE! All registration rates include sessions, behind-the-scenes tours, evening events, breakfasts, and workshops. Wednesday tours and workshops may have additional fees. A limited number of scholarships are available for Affiliate and Smithsonian attendees. Registration is not waived for conference speakers. See our Conference FAQs for more info.
Affiliate Registration:
$275 – Early Bird, Full Conference (Register before April 15, 2019)
$300 – Regular Rate (After April 15, 2019)
$250 – Group Rate (Per person, for groups of 4 or more attending the full conference. Group discounts do not apply for single-day attendees)
$100 – One-Day-Only Rate (Sunday – Wednesday)
Smithsonian Staff Registration:
$150 – Full Conference (Early bird rates do not apply)
$125 – Group Rate (Per person, for groups of 4 or more attending the full conference. Group discounts do not apply for single-day attendees.)
$75 – One-Day-Only Rate (Sunday – Wednesday)
*Registration fees are waived for Smithsonian Interns with a valid Smithsonian ID. Interns must register online and may attend general sessions and workshops. Evening events, tours, and sessions with additional fees are not open to interns.
Please note: In order to receive the group rate, all group attendees must register in ONE transaction. Failure to do so may result in being charged the regular registration rate per person. All discounts will be applied at checkout.
Conference Hotel
All sessions and the Smithsonian Resource Fair will be held in the conference hotel:
Hilton Washington DC National Mall
480 L’Enfant Plaza SW
Washington, DC 20024
Reservation Information
Room Rate: $285 per night
Special rate ends May 23, 2019.
Click the button below to book online.
To reserve by telephone: 1-800-HILTONS (1-800-445-8668) Reference the group code SANC19 when booking by telephone.