conference road trip to focus on community museums
Yes, there are Smithsonian museums off the National Mall! Most Affiliates know about the ones in New York City, but the Institution has another gem of a museum across the river in the Anacostia Community Museum. Affiliations’ conference participants will be able to experience this resource on a special road trip designed to explore issues of specific concern to community museums.
Opened in 1967, the Anacostia Community Museum documents and interprets the impact of historical and contemporary social issues on communities. After a narrated tour (on the bus) en route to the Museum, participants will receive a guided tour of the pioneering exhibition, Word, Shout, Song: Lorenzo Dow Turner, Connecting Communities through Language. This show details the historical journey made by Africans, their language and their music, to the Americas.

Doing the Ring Shout in Georgia, ca. 1930s, from the Lorenzo Dow Turner Papers, Anacostia Museum Archives
Following the tour, Affiliates will sit down with the Museum’s staff to discuss the challenges and opportunities of working at the community level. The Museum’s curators will also discuss projects underway with potential for Affiliate collaboration, including professional development and the Urban Waterways project.
Hope to see you there! For information on the 2011 Affiliations’ National Conference, and to register, click here.